Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 5 Assignment, Part 2: Course Reflections

1. What outcomes had you envisioned for this course? Did you achieve those outcomes? Did the actual course outcomes align with those that you envisioned?

Going into the course, I wasn't quite sure what to expect.  Since I knew that this was the first class for all students in the program, I hoped it would be an introduction to what educational technology leadership would entail.  I did indeed learn the qualities an educational technology leader should possess.  In that vein, the course did align with what I had envisioned, although the depth of research in the subject area and scope of information was much broader than I ever had anticipated.  Locating and evaluating district level technology plans and governmental programs was a challenging endeavor.  The amount of time delving into areas of which I am not familiar proved to be a very time consuming task.  I found myself wondering in the first two weeks whether or not this program was right for me.  I was finding out that knowledge and utilization of educational technology does not translate into knowledge of technology leadership.  After thinking it over, I decided that this program is exactly right for me.  The true question is, with all the other obligations I have, is this the right time for me?

2. To the extent that you achieved the outcomes, are they still relevant to the work that you do in your school? Why or why not?

I do believe that the outcomes are relevant to the work that I do.  Although I have taken it upon myself to embed computer skills into my content, I was not aware of the TEKS that all students are supposed to master by the 8th grade.  I remember when we had a dedicated class called Technology Applications.  All 8th graders were required to take it for one semester.  It was eliminated approximately seven years ago, but I do not recall anyone making it known that the skills that were taught in that course were to be embedded into the content areas.  I learned this by researching the district’s technology plan and the technology TEKS as required in this course.  Another area that I learned a lot was in the area of ethics, safety and legal issues.  I now realize how important it is to educate the staff so that we can educate our students and parents.3. What outcomes did you not achieve? What prevented you from achieving them?

I believe that I did achieve the expected outcomes; however, I wish that I had more time to spend on the assignments.   I was not able to linger in thought on the readings as I would have liked.  I was not able to spend as much time rereading, evaluating, and reflecting as I would have liked.  This course is very fast paced, and the work is somewhat cumbersome and time consuming.  I felt that all the activities were valuable, but there was not enough time to absorb as much of the information as I would have liked.  Since Week 2, I have learned some time management skills that have made the assignments much more manageable.  I’ve also had to learn that I cannot control how many hours there are in a day and that I have to just do my best in the amount of time available, and then let it go. 

4. Were you successful in carrying out the course assignments? If not, what prevented or discouraged you?

I was successful in carrying out the class assignments.  As mentioned before, I almost was not able to complete the first two weeks’ assignments due to problems with time management and other obligations.  Luckily, I have been able to adjust my schedule to accommodate the required work.  I was not expecting the assignments to be so time consuming.  I was very concerned about not being able to perform my job adequately and also fulfill the requirements for this program.  I find it very stressful because I am not comfortable doing sloppy work, whether it be as a teacher, a leader, or a student.  I do feel this is the perfect program for me, but it is a big sacrifice.  Knowing that I will have a week off every five weeks is something that keeps me going.  I will have that week to hone my classroom lessons and my online class that I teach for the virtual high school.  I also need this time to spend with loved ones, take care of household chores, and rejuvenate before the next class.5. What did you learn from this course…about yourself, your technology and leadership skills, and your attitudes?

I’ve learned how much I do not know, especially about the leadership side of technology.  I feel like I know a lot about using technology and integrating it into my curriculum, but I don’t know much about district level and state level plans and initiatives.  During the first two weeks of this course, I felt as if I was drinking water from a fire house.  I thought that because I have been a district trainer, a department chair, lead mentor, and team leader that I have a lot of leadership experience.  I had no idea how much more there is to being a school leader than just managing people.  I also found that I am a bit of a control freak and tend to take on too many responsibilities. I need to work on trusting others and delegating more.  Most importantly, I learned that time management is essential to be successful in this class.

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